Government announces postal reform plans

The Federal Government has announced plans to reform the letters service.

The proposed reforms would result in standard letters being delivered every second day, letter delivery timetables being extended by one day, and changes to the Priority Mail service.

The Government is also proposing to change the current geographic classification for Australia Post retail outlets, which will result in some post offices being reclassified as "remote".

Australia Post says it will continue discount stamp pricing for pensioners and charities.

These proposed reforms follow the "Postal Services Modernisation" consultation earlier this year. POAAL made a detailed submission to the consultation and engaged in many conversations with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts, as well as the Minister's office.

Letter delivery

Under the proposed reforms, Australia Post will expand the delivery model that it has been trialling in six sites around Australia.

In this new delivery model, PDOs deliver parcels, Express Post and Priority letters to all properties in their round each day, but only deliver standard letters to half of their round each day.

Post offices

POAAL has queried the potential impact of Australia Post's new delivery model on LPOs in rural and remote areas, in particular LPOs that accommodate Mail Contractors.

There are also many LPOs that serve non-delivery areas, or areas that already have a two-day or three-day weekly mail delivery service.

POAAL looks forward to discussing these aspects of letter delivery with Australia Post very soon.

Further consultation

The Federal Government has indicated there will be further consultation in 2024 on the amended delivery standards regulations.
